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25th Anniversary of FCC Decision Enabling Wi-Fi and Bluetooth

25th Anniversary of FCC Decision Enabling Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
A series of posts describing how this all came about. (Click on picture above)

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Reforming the Federal Communications Commission:

A Silicon Flatirons Conference

Silicon Flatirons, a University of Colorado program on law, technology and entrepreneurship, is sponsoring a conference in Washington on January 5 on the above topic. The conference is cosponsored by Public Knowledge, "a Washington DC based public interest group working to defend your rights in the emerging digital culture". Here is a summary of the conference from the website:

"The world once known as "telecommunications" is changing dramatically. New technologies, new business models and new policy challenges lie ahead. The critical question for governmental policy in this sector is easy to state, but harder to answer: Is the Federal Communications Commission truly equipped to deal with immediate challenges that it will face?

That question is being asked today by policymakers from Capitol Hill and around the country. And it is at the core of a growing chorus of commentators who call for reform of how the FCC operates.

To explore the future of the FCC, we will convene a leading group of academics, current and former FCC officials, and leaders from the public interest community. We will compare future visions, explore historical lessons and, though a series of papers specially written for this conference, offer a comprehensive set of recommendations for the creation of an FCC well-prepared to confront contemporary challenges."

The program is also posted along with information on reserving a seat.

Since this was first posted, your blogger has been added to the program replacing, really attempting to replace, Dale Hatfield.

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